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As businesses expand and evole, retrench or exit various segments in their lifecycles, operational strategies must evolve too.  More importantly, they must evole faster and allow for real time flexibility in an ever changing busiess climate.


The execution of a corporate vision and the emulation of a corporate culture are driven by the people within an organization; and not simply the achievement of organizational goals and metrics.


Without the support of a larger cross-section of an organization who support this vision, values and areas of strategic focus, the tactical elements of a respective strategy can not be achieved.


In today’s complex global business world, an organization’s overall success is directly linked to the efficiency and effectiveness of its supply chain.


A competitive advantage can be derived from a firm’s products and solutions coupled with the processes that provide these products to end-users; wether thye be in a B2B or B2C model.


Effective supply chain management enhances productivity and performance delivered by the enhanced combination of people, systems and technology to successfully compete in the global marketplace.



Organizations often summarize goals and objectives into a mission statement or a vision statement. Others begin with a vision and mission and use them to formulate goals and objectives.


Regardless of the approach,these repective goals and objectives must be tied to an organization's financial calendar and have consideration under therules of governance and have stakeholders at every level of the enterprise.


Clearly defining the needs of the market prior to establishing operational goalsand subsequently evaluatiing current and future resource requirements coupled with their alignment to the strategic vision are critical to success.


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